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Afternoon Note

Mixed Bag

By Karina Hernandez, Senior Research Analyst
9/13/2023 1:33 PM

The market is reversing after the initial CPI pullback faded and now all the major indices are in the plus column. Treasuries have been relatively calm after this morning’s reaction.

The CPI report released this morning presented a mixed bag that keeps the chances for a rate hike in November lower.

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We saw health insurance moving in a worrisome direction (+2.1%m/m vs +0.3% in July) and shelter inching up 0.3% and reaching its 40th straight month of gains. The good news on inflation is, some pandemic items are starting to see some actual price “drops.”

Sector performance has been mixed with utilities leading while energy lags.

Airline stocks are contributing to today’s losses in the Industrial sector. This morning, Spirit Airlines (SAVE), Frontier Group (ULCC) and American Airlines (AAL) warned about Q3 guidance.

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I will do an Arm Holdings IPO review in tomorrows morning commentary.-CP


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