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Question of the Week

What's the difference between nationalism and patriotism and does America need a healthy dose of either? Yes or no.
Post your answer below.

Morning Commentary

Watching Japan Rise

By Charles Payne, CEO & Principal Analyst
4/29/2013 7:10 AM

This year, the hottest stock market in the world is Japan's, which has been surging since the election of Abe. I've written about this before but there are messages from their grand experiment worth watching very closely. Sure, the central bank will be taking the Ben Bernanke approach but putting it in a gear that even the Federal Reserve would dare not attempt. But, I think most outside observers are missing the more important element to this latest attempt to awaken the Land of the Rising Sun from its two decade slumber.

I know the rest of the world would rather ignore nationalistic moves in Japan. But I think that Japan probably believes accepting a pacifist role made them weak as a country. Since WWII, Japan has mostly watched the rest of Asia come on like gangbusters. China is an economic powerhouse with dreams of being a military powerhouse. South Korea is a formidable economic rival and this week the world awaits the latest from Samsung ... when was the last time we waited for a new product from Sony?

Then there are the Asian Tigers, India, and other nations all coming into their own. In the meantime, young men in Japan have abandoned a desire for lifelong work and achievement and shun gyms for beauty salons. If Japan is to regain its former glory, it's going to take a lot more than just printing money, especially in a world where everyone is printing money. This is a message lost on America where the Fed's balance sheet has reached boundaries once thought impenetrable.

There has to be an organic movement with a unified focus on greatness.

In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe knows this, and he's been given a mandate by his citizens to make it happen. He has been given a mandate to unlock desire that has manifested itself in a powerful nation but seen ambition spin out of control in the most brutal forms of inhumanity. This is what Japan is dealing with now. It is ironic that the nation that has written off nuclear power after deciding the risks outweighed the rewards, but knew it could leave the island without enough energy to maintain some basic services, is now willing to fire up a different kind of dangerous engine. This is the engine of nationalism.

On Sunday Japan celebrated Sovereignty Recovery Day. It was the 61st anniversary of the nation regaining its sovereignty after its defeat in WWII. While the United States still maintains a military presence in Japan it was 61 years ago the nation was allowed to rule itself, but with a new constitution that muzzled any future military ambitions. It probably muzzled the "fight" in the nation as well.

Sure, there was that run that had America shaken about the prospect of becoming number two in the world but that ran out of steam and was the knockout as poor policies, ego and low desire to fight saw the nation simply put it in cruise control.

Of course when it comes to economies you can't put it in cruise control because your rivals are busy working hard and determined to take your place. This is exactly how Japan caught America in the first place. Back in the early 1970s nobody thought the land that sent us cheap transistor radios and Datsun automobiles would ever be a real competitor. So, if it is impossible to stay on top by mailing it in there certainly is no way to get back on top when the men in your nation would rather text each other all day than go to work.

American Nationalism

I happen to think nationalism can be a good thing even though it's not politically correct to say this in America. We equate nationalism to the Nazis and movements that ultimately saw the destruction of other peoples. In America it is safer to say you ware patriotic although even that word has come under attack in recent years.

In fact, for many the idea of loving your country too much is selfish.

We're being told to love the planet more than we love ourselves, to love poor nations more than we love ourselves, or we are as responsible for children born across town as our own. Of course all of those narratives are pretense that disguise power and money-grabs that otherwise defy common sense and self-preservation. We care about the planet, people in other nations and certainly our neighbors' children, yet when we talk about love of the flag or the national anthem of the United States of America the same forces suggest something sinister.

Here's how the anti-nationalism and anti-patriotism movement have been countered in recent years ... excerpt Robert Reich:

Negative nationalists prey most directly on people who are losing ground economically and socially. The recent resurgence of negative nationalism in Austria, France, and Switzerland is especially evident among blue-collar manufacturing workers and young men who feel the economic ground shifting from under them. The ugly violence against ethnic Chinese in Indonesia during the currency crisis there was also rooted in economic fears. People whose livelihoods are at risk find it reassuring to be given specific targets for their frustrations. Among economic insecurity's first scapegoats are always immigrants, foreigners, and ethnic minorities.

One thing is for sure, the nation is divided like no time I've seen in my lifetime and in need of something we can universally rally around. Once that thing was always the flag or Constitution but now I hear radio personalities deride that "two hundred year old piece of paper" as a relic. We are being told we have too many rights and it's time to trim them to size or eliminate them altogether. Whether you think it's patriotism or nationalism, there is no doubt the nation needs to think higher of itself - and then we will really care more about our neighbors.


You will not hear much about Sunday in the mainstream media or on financial news but it is bigger than money printing. During the ceremonies the national anthem "Kimigayo" was sang, ending with cheers of "Banzai" for Emperor Akihito. The anthem for Japan from 1868 to 1945 revered the imperial family and lauded Japanese pride. For the most part it had been forbidden since the end of WWII. There is no doubt Japan will move to remove the pacifist nature of its current constitution and begin to build its military.

It's not great news for its neighbors but I suspect will be great for the Japanese economy and more importantly rekindle a warrior spirit that's faded away over the last few decades. If the Japanese economy and stock market continue to rebound the simplistic answer will be money printing, but make no mistake there will be an answer more critical and one we need to observe very closely.

I think it could work and I think there could be positive lessons learned for America, which lately feels like the land of the setting sun.

Nationalism and patriotism mean the same to me. Although the media has done more to put a negative conotation on Nationalism Ala Naziism etc. Now the word patriot could be in trouble for the Tea party movement.

All that aside, a nationalist or a patriot puts their country first and foremost before other countries assumming the first two legs are satisfied also
1. God
2. family
3. Country being #3.
There is nothing wrong with loving and honoring your country and serving it through varios channels military, government, etc, When Nationalism or Patriotism go wrong is when my country over everything right or wrong.
We should always try to go with our country but first make sure the country is satisfying your concerns about moral, right and wrong issues.

Jim Cuff on 4/29/2013 10:18:12 AM
We need a dose of nationalism in America right now and it exists in the flyover states. But not in the coastal states in east and west?? Seems like we need tragedy to stand together in America!

Joe Pryor on 4/29/2013 10:21:50 AM
Nationalism becomes a problem when it turns into chauvinism and imperialism or when it becomes ideological, as in national socialism. A country without pride in its legitimate achievements is like a loser who can't tie his own shoelaces. Patriotism is nothing more than love of country and a willingness to sacrifice for the common good of all who share the responsibility of citizenship. Unfortunately, we've turned JFK's famous remark on its head. "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Our leaders are in disrepute because they violate that almost every day.

Dennis Howard on 4/29/2013 12:05:50 PM
Simply excellent.

George Justice on 4/29/2013 1:08:54 PM

FRANCES WIGGINS on 4/29/2013 1:46:40 PM
Patriotism involves an instinctive affinity for one's home region, sourced at the heart. Nationalism is more cerebral, attached to political structure, ideology and intellectually debatable features. I'd like to see more patriotism, which seems less corruptible than nationalism, which I'd like to see less of.

Patricia Flynn on 4/29/2013 3:07:23 PM
They are similar in putting love of country first. Patriotism often occurs during times of crisis (wars, disasters, etc). Nationalism is sometimes used against people that are not native born (can be labeled foreigners) or are considered to be outsiders.

Howard Scheer on 4/29/2013 4:49:03 PM
Nationalism or patriotism only occurs en mass when leadership sets the example and that is why patriotism in particular is at the lowest level I have seen in my 75 years in this wonderful country. The combination of political leaders who do not care a whit for our country, only their own agenda, and a compliant press is a huge negative and one that will take years to correct, if ever.

Hubert Terbille on 4/29/2013 5:08:24 PM
How can we have nationalism when we let the whole world into our country with free goodies they dont care charles payne 4 president

chip c on 4/29/2013 10:54:02 PM
Charles, I hate to get into a game of semantics and what each person thinks is the proper definition of each word. I would rather comment on the different aspects of two views of country and why one is very good and one is very bad.

A person can have a healthy pride in his country or any other organization when his focus is on the great accomplishments of that group, especially when it has done something to help others. Americans can be well pleased that we sent sons and daughters to foreign lands to free the oppressed and never asked for compensation other than the land used for burials. Americans can be well pleased that we had forefathers who drafted a document which balanced individual rights and responsibilities with a workable government structure that had checks and balances such that we have the longest standing government in the world, as well as an economy where nobody is limited other than by his own abilities, drive, and willingness to sacrifice for success. This healthy pride in the things WE HAVE which are SUCCESSFUL over the YEARS is a support for future greatness.

On the other hand, there is little of worth which comes from arrogance derived from putting others down. Hitler's pride was best expressed in the others he despised, like the Jews and the Poles and the French and the Russians. The liberal Demoncrats can speak only of how everyone else is a "so-and-so" and is wrong, but not about how they have policies which actually worked. The crooked Supreme Court judges who would strip away our explicit rights and replaced them with ones they made up themselves have no love for this country at all, nor any respect for the things that have worked to make it great.

New testament scripture has worked well to guide lives for 2000 years (100x as long as most nations have survives with socialist policies which oppose those scriptures). It has much to say about this subject. We are told to love others, but especially those that are of the faith. This tells us that we should be happy about what we have that works well, and that it is worth sharing with others. Scripture tells us to focus on what is pure, and good, and of good report. NT tells us to love others as we love ourselves, and that nobody can really love another more than he loves himself.

We have a president who hates this country and wants to justify his telling the world how to live based on that hate as if it were love. It isn't love, and it isn't wise.

Bob G on 4/30/2013 2:14:59 AM

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