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Michigan Vs The Environmental Protection Agency

By Charles Payne, CEO & Principal Analyst

The Supreme Court will have to decide if the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) goal of even furthering mercury reduction has results in the rules that are simply too draconian and too expensive to justify. 

In short, both sides (more or less) agree on the numbers. The EPA says it’s worth hammering the coal industry with a $9.6 billion annual price tab… And to make sure we save up to $6.0 million in potential lost incomes.   

Recently, the EPA said the numbers don’t matter, it’s about principle; but just in case they add the retrofitting of these plants, it would have a massive human and economic impact by curbing particulate matter.

  • 11,000    Premature deaths
  • 4,700      Nonfatal heart attacks
  • 540,000 Days or work lost to asthma
  • $37 to $90 billion

There’s been so much damage to the coal industry; a victory would be almost moral and provide only a drop in the bucket. On the other hand, the Clean Air Act (CAA) has become like Thor’s hammer, giving the President an all-powerful weapon that may be used beyond the coal industry.   

In general, industry and capitalism starts this week under greater danger than last Monday. That’s not good for any American… regardless of your race, sexual orientation, or opinions on flags and monuments.

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Charles Payne
Wall Street Strategies


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